The most important thing about being a champion is treating others with kindness and respect. So, we want to nurture and share that with others by creating a hashtag you can use in events here and back home. Tag us on our social medias using #sharethelove showing random acts of kindness, cheering for other groups or anything else you can think of showcasing how loving our choir family can be. So go ahead . . . #sharethelove!
The mission is simple: Build a socially conscious generation of young people who END the global water crisis. To do this, we must educate people about the crisis and activate them to rock the clean water cause and build water projects worldwide. Why Water? Health and Sanitation: Waterborne diseases kill more yearly than AIDS, Malaria and all world violence combined.
When a person gains perspective on an issue as big as the global water crisis, amazing things happen! In just six years, we have spoken to over 700,000 students, and STUDENTS have been the driving force in helping us raise over 10 million dollars, giving clean water to 13 different countries and over 400,000 people...and we are just getting started!
Learn more about the Thirst Project